# Introduction to high-performance computing with Linux ## Overview The aim of this one-day course is to introduce Linux and bash to novice users, providing the fundamental knowledge to effectively use the SWC/GNU High Performance Computing (HPC) system. ## Content ### Introduction to Linux & Bash #### Materials - [Slides](../materials/Introduction_to_Linux.pdf) ### Introduction to HPC Introduction to the SWC HPC system: * Overview of the SWC/GCNU HPC system * SLURM job scheduler * Data storage * Interactive jobs * Batch jobs * Array jobs #### Materials - [Slides](../materials/Introduction_to_HPC.pdf) ### Applied HPC Use Running pose estimation with [SLEAP](https://sleap.ai) #### Materials - [GitHub repository](https://github.com/neuroinformatics-unit/swc-hpc-pose-estimation) with example scripts - [Presentation slides](https://neuroinformatics-unit.github.io/swc-hpc-pose-estimation)